I'm SOOO excited! It's almost here! All eyes are about to leave the runways and look WEST! LA...Oscar's RED CARPET. Remember last year's Gems and Jewels? It's as if "Lorraine Schwartz" won for "Best RC Jewels Designer" or something. That's how it happens. Just like that. One GREAT Red Carpet event puts you on THE MAP as a "TOP GJJ" Red Carpet Designer. Why Lorraine? Well...remember THESE? My mother always taught me "never envy another." And I don't...but just for that one night...due, only to, wearing THOSE Columbian Emeralds? Who wasn't GREEN with EMERALD ENVY??? Oh...how I GASPED!!! DIVINE. Can you even IMAGINE how POWERFUL their energy must be???
Well...this year is soon to be seen. WHO will take "TOP GJJ RC Designer?" Could it be Lorraine again? Neil Lane (LOVE HIM), Van Cleef? Chopard? Winston? Fred Leighton? Hmmm...I can't WAIT!!!!