Monday, March 29, 2010
MARNI jewels...FAB for SPRING! Consuela is divine:)
Marni...sigh. I AM A HUGE LOVER OF YOU! Once again, the original designs and inspiration of Consuela Castiglioni captures hearts of bohemian sophisticates around the globe. Might I add that Marni was the originator...opening the door to allowing gems, jewels, and junque to be made with different, more hand-made, feeling elements. Just in time for the economy to dip and the price of gold to sky rocket. Point being...thank you Marni for leading us into this new era of FANTASTIC JUNQUE JEWELRY!!!
PROOF? SEE THESE PIECES for SPRING. Buy them, or be inspired by them is my motto....and you will no doubt see jewels inspired by this designer from Forever twenty-one to Target. Although I do believe none can quite compare to the craftsmanship of Consuela Castiglioni:) BRAVA!